Research to improve the health, well-being and educational attainment of school-aged children in south west England

Tailored school reports with benchmarking comparison 

Enabling pupil voice across the south west

Robust, validated data & university researcher-assisted data collection

Data to inform planning and Ofsted inspections

Insight into existing policies and programmes

Sharing of expertise and best-practices

Are you interested in collecting robust data on the health and well-being of your students, and receiving timely tailored feedback reports to support your school?

We can help you do this!

Bringing together schools, academic health researchers, local authorities, and other key stakeholders to improve young people’s health.

There are strong links between mental health and educational outcomes for young people, with adolescence a critical period of development offering opportunity for early intervention. Students who are healthy can learn more, and higher educational achievement is associated with living a longer, healthier and happier life.
Schools represent a key setting to promote health and well-being.

The South West – School Health Research Network (SW-SHRN) helps schools and local authorities learn which areas of public health students need support with and identify where to focus their resources to improve the health and well-being of students in their area.

“We can’t make change unless you understand what is happening in your school environment, and measure it successfully, and then make change based on that. So, I think it is a great initiative.”

Director of Mental Health and Well-being in Schools, Charity


Similar networks currently run in schools in Wales (SHRN) and Scotland (SHINE), and the South West of England has been selected to establish a new Network in England.

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